prevention of piles

Piles or haemorrhoids are caused due to increased pressure or straining while passing stools or due to weak muscles around the anus. This leads to bulging and swollen blood vessels that often protrude and lumps while passing stools. These may bleed or may lead to discomfort, pain and itching around the anus.

There are several lifestyle changes that may be adopted to reduce the symptoms of piles and reduce episodes of aggravated piles in susceptible individuals. These include consuming fibre in your diet, practising good bowel habits and so forth. 1-5
A lot of people suffer from piles disease or hemorrhoids on some stage in their life. Bad nutrition is one of the main reasons to the appearance of piles.
In order to prevent or treatment of piles disease problems one have to adjust to right nutrition habits. It is also better to have 4-5 small dishes a day instead of 2-3 large ones.
Fibre in diet and prevention of piles:
Inclusion of at least 25 to 30 grams of insoluble fibres in diet per day: this can be taken in normal diet in form of high fibre foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, etc.
These fibres cause absorption of water in the stools within the colon. This makes the stools softer and increases the volume. This reduces the straining and pressure on the anal blood vessels.
People with risk of haemorrhoids should choose high fiber breakfast cereals. Products with five grams of fiber per serving should be chosen. There are also over the counter high-fiber supplements that are available for these at-risk individuals.
Diet should be low in fat and red meat since these predispose to constipation. Other foods like peas, beans and lentils should be included.

1) Lots of water:  

Drinking a lot of water daily will help to soften the excrement. It is recommended to drink at least one cup of clear water every two hours or at least 2 liters of water a day.

Dietary fibers such as bran, oats and brown rice: fiber known to help and improve the processes of decomposition of food in the human body, and their presence is essential to the process of digestion. Also, Fiber creates a feeling of fullness and prevent overload on gastrointestinal tract.

2) Linseed oil and olive oil:

To help stimulate gastric activity and softening of the stool one should drink every day two tablespoons of linseed oil or olive oil.

3) Leafy vegetables:

Vitamins found in vegetables such as seaweed, cabbage and sprouts are used in a very successful treatment for piles disease problem.

4) Wheat sprouts:

Wheat sprouts got a nice amount of vitamin E. This vitamin helps the blood flow, prevents blood clots and helps the blood circulation.

5) Orange vegetables :

Bioflavonoids and anti-oxidants which exist in orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, and etc. help reduce strong inflammations and strengthen the blood capillaries.

6) Blueberries(फल्सा):

Blueberries are one of the greatest health foods of all time, and they’re a boon to anyone suffering from hemorrhoids. Due to their high concentration of anthocyanins, blueberries help repair damaged proteins in the blood vessel walls and promote the overall health of the vascular system. On top of that, blueberries are a good source of both insoluble and soluble fiber such as pectin. Furthermore, compared to other berries, blueberries (especially wild blueberries) are a good source of vitamin E.

7) Figs(अंजीर):

Figs are an old standby remedy for constipation. To fully benefit from their laxative effect, eat them with their skin as most of their fiber is in the skin. When buying figs, look for fruits that are plump and soft, but not mushy. They should also be free of bruises, have a deep color, and smell fresh and mildly sweet. Figs are one of the most perishable fruits and therefore it is advisable to buy them only a day or two before you plan to eat them. Dried figs, which have a shelf life of over a year if stored appropriately, are also an excellent remedy for constipation.

8) Spinach(पालक): 

The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent health food and an important vegetable for anyone concerned about getting hemorrhoids. Spinach is considered one of the best vegetables for the entire digestive tract, and it is thought to be highly effective at cleansing and regenerating the intestinal tract. One of its gut health promoting compounds is magnesium which appears to be necessary for proper bowel movement. Mild deficiencies of magnesium are fairly common in Western countries, where consumption of processed foods is common, as processing significantly decrease the magnesium content of foods. Also intensive farming, practiced in many Western countries, depletes the soil of magnesium, thereby reducing the magnesium content of the plants growing in the soil.

9) Okra(भिंडी):

Don’t be put off by okra’s somewhat slimy texture — this extraordinary plant native to West Africa is an amazing functional food for maintaining a healthy gut. The okra fiber absorbs water and adds bulk to the stool, which causes it to move through the intestines faster, helping prevent constipation and the formation of hemorrhoids. Okra’s mucilage lubrificates and soothes the intestinal tract, further facilitating painless elimination of waste. When buying okra, look for fresh, firm, bright green pods that are no longer than 4 inches. To prepare okra, cut off both ends of the pods, wash them in cold water, and cook in a saucepan or a steamer. To retain most of okra’s healthful nutrients and enzymes, it should be cooked as little as possible. Thin slices of raw okra added to a bowl of salad greens also make a healthy and delicious dish.

10) Beets(चुकंदर):

Munching on red beets is a great way to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids! Beets are high in fiber that helps keep waste materials moving through the intestines at a healthy pace. Also the green leafy tops of beets are edible and high in fiber, so don’t throw them away — — they can be cooked and eaten like spinach. In addition to supporting healthy bowel movement, beets contain some extraordinary properties that make them a super food for the colon. Betacyanin, a phytochemical compound responsible for beets’ intense purple color, has been shown to be highly effective at fighting cancer, particularly colon cancer.beets In addition to preventing hemorrhoids, beets may help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

11) Papaya(पपीता):

Originally from Central America, the papaya plant is today cultivated in most tropical countries. Called the “fruit of the angels” by Christopher Columbus, papaya is a true nutritional powerhouse. It is also a great functional food to add to your diet if you are prone to developing hemorrhoids to its ability to aid digestion and prevent constipation. Papaya contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme, as well as a number of other active compounds that have been shown to ease constipation. Papain is more concentrated in green unripe papaya than in ripe papaya. Green papaya, which is often more readily available in Asian food stores, makes a refreshing addition to salads.

12) Oats(जई):

Eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to start a day off right. Oats are highly nutritious and an excellent source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with water while insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, passes the intestines largely intact. Soluble fiber is known to prevent constipation due to its ability to make stool bulkier and softer. Before eating oats, soak them for several hours. Untreated oats, like other grains, contain phytic acid which can block the absorption of magnesium in the intestines. Soaking allows enzymes to break down and neutralize phytic acid and thus improve the nutritional value of oats.oatmeal Eating oatmeal for breakfast helps keep hemorrhoids away.

13) Prunes(सूखा आलूबुखारा): 

Prunes are a good source of fiber. Dietary fiber is the part of plant foods that the enzymes in your body cannot digest and that is therefore not absorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, fiber remains in the colon where it absorbs water and softens the stool, thereby preventing constipation. In addition, prunes contain mild colonic stimulants, which exert further beneficial effects on the bowels.

14) Barley(जौ):

The dietary fiber in barley increases bulk, softens stool, and shortens the transit time of fecal matter, thereby decreasing the risk of hemorrhoids. In addition, barley’s fiber feeds the friendly bacteria in the large intestine, helping these bacteria to produce a short chain fatty acid called butyric acid, which helps maintain a healthy gut.


Good bowel habits and prevention of piles:

Good bowel habits should be practised. All at-risk individuals are advised to go to the bathroom as soon as they feel the urge. Waiting may harden stools.
They are advised not to sit on the toilet for more than five minutes and avoid straining. If there is not urge the person is asked to get up.

The Anti-Hemorrhoid Diet Plan for Curing Hemorrhoids:

Looking for an anti-hemorrhoid diet plan that can help prevent the formation of those swollen, inflamed veins and cure existing ones? Look no further! The following diet tips have been compiled for people who are looking for natural ways to prevent hemorrhoids, also known as will understand why a diet rich in fiber and bioflavonoids and avoidance of irritating foods is of paramount importance if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids for good.

  • Step Up Your Fiber Intake:  Dietary fiber is the part of plant foods that the enzymes in your body cannot digest. It is therefore not absorbed into the bloodstream and cannot be used for energy. Dietary fiber can be classified into two main categories: soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with water while insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, passes the intestines largely intact. Soluble fiber helps create bulkier and softer stool that is that is easier to pass, thus reducing the risk of constipation. This in turn will prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids and cause less irritation to existing hemorrhoids. To avoid bloating and gas, add fiber to your diet gradually. It is also important to drink enough water or otherwise fiber can have the opposite effect and in fact increase the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids! Excellent sources of soluble fiber include oats, flaxseed, peas, beans, apples, carrots, barley, berries, and psyllium.
  • Consume Foods That Contain Bioflavonoids: Any good diet for hemorrhoids should include plenty of foods rich in bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids (or simply flavonoids) are a group of compounds that occur naturally in plants. These compounds give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors and protect them from microbes and insects. A large body of evidence suggests that the properties of bioflavonoids not only protect plants, but also humans. Some studies have found a link between a high, long-term intake of flavonoids and improvements in itching, bleeding and other symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. The beneficial effects of flavonoids are believed to result from their ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and to prevent free radical stress inside blood vessels.
  • Avoid Irritating Foods: One of the best diet tips for people who already have a hemorrhoid is to avoid irritating foods and substances such as citrus fruit, spicy foods, tomatoes, and caffeine. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these foods and substances will only aggravate the condition.It is strongly advised to avoid eating harmful food such as acidic, spicy food and rich in fat such as hot peppers, garlic, onions, seafood, and red meat.
  • Fat foods: Try to avoid eating fried, high in saturated fat food. This food disrupts the digestive system and slows the body’s metabolism.
  • Vigorous wiping especially with a dry toilet paper should be avoided as it irritates the skin around the anus.
  • Weight should be reduced since obesity and being overweight is a risk factor for piles.
  • Regular physical exercise is important since this helps in weight reduction and also helps in regular bowel movements and avoids constipation.
  • Stool softeners are medications that may be used in people with constipation to correct constipation before it can predispose to piles.
  • Some medications may lead to risk of constipation. These should be avoided. These include cough syrups with codeine.
  • Other conditions that predispose to piles include chronic cough, ascitis and liver disease. These conditions need treatment.
  • Cow’s milk, wheat, citrus, peanuts and tomatoes can also cause the problem of piles. If you are sensitive to one of these foods be sure to remove them from your diet.
  • The main cause of hemorrhoids is constipation problem and that’s why it is important to solve the problem through a combination of fiber-rich food diet menu (celery, sweet potatoes, soybeans, ripe bananas, Chinese cabbage) and plenty of water drinking.

Hemorrhoids & Diet: Recipes and Meal Ideas:

Want to learn to make fiber-rich dishes that are good for people who suffer from hemorrhoids, those uncomfortable varicose veins that form in the lower part of the rectum? This recipe collection offers a wide range of anti-hemorrhoid and gut-soothing recipes, from Gut-Friendly Barley Soup to Blood Vessel Strengthening Blueberry Smoothie. In addition to containing plenty of fiber and other gut-friendly nutrients and phytochemicals, the recipes in this section are quick and easy to prepare. They also use common ingredients that are available at virtually every grocery store.

1) Best Soup Recipes for Healing Hemorrhoids: Did you know that there are a bunch of soups that can help promote regular bowel movements and heal hemorrhoids? The soup recipes on this page rely on ingredients that help soothe the intestinal tract and treat hemorrhoids naturally!
But before you unleash the foodie in you and peruse the hemorrhoid-healing soup recipes below, you might want to have a look at the section Best Diet Tips for Hemorrhoid Prevention as well as the section Best Foods for Preventing Hemorrhoids .

  • Apple and Onion Soup
  • Broccoli and Barley Soup
  • Fiber-Packed Winter Pea and Watercress Soup
  • Beet and Carrot Soup
  • Barley Soup with Carrots and Parsley
  • Barley Soup with Beans and Basil
  • Scandinavian Spinach Soup with Boiled Eggs

2)  Anti-Hemorrhoid Smoothies and Other Soothing Drink Recipes: Looking for natural remedies for hemorrhoids? Try an anti-hemorrhoid smoothie! In this section, you’ll find a bunch of anti-hemorrhoid drink recipes such as Raspberry & Blueberry Smoothie or Pear Frost Featuring Ginger.

  • Scandinavian Blueberry Soup
  • Minty Pear Cooler
  • Raspberry Blueberry Smoothie
  • Pear Frost with Ginger

3)  Salad Recipes for Soothing Hemorrhoids Naturally: Need ideas for gut-soothing salads that are good for people with recurring hemorrhoids? This collection of recipes is for you! This section contains a variety of gut-soothing salad recipes that feature foods like fish, avocado, carrots and beets.

  • Arugula, Avocado and Tomato Salad
  • Romaine and Smoked Salmon Salad
  • Beet and Carrot Salad with Ginger
  • Carrot and Avocado Salad.

4) Anti-Hemorrhoid Breakfast Recipes:  Looking for anti-hemorrhoid breakfast ideas and recipes? Look no further! The breakfast recipes below call for foods like blueberries, ripe bananas, pears, apples, and oats, all of which have properties that may help prevent and treat hemorrhoids.

  • Dairy-Free Blueberry Muesli
  • Wholewheat Muffins with Bananas and Walnuts
  • Oat and Wheat Germ Muesli with Apples
  • Oat and Buckwheat Muesli with Pears and Grapes
  • Carrot Muffins
  • Fantastic Fiber Muffins
  • Original Bircher Muesli